NC General Secretary Dr Koirala registers win

arjun प्रदेश , ७ वर्ष अगाडि

Nawalparasi, Dec 11 (RSS): Nepali Congress (NC) general secretary Dr Shashanka Koirala emerged victorious in the election to the House of Representatives from Nawalpur Constituency-1.
Dr Koirala obtained 34,784 votes to secure his seat in the federal parliament.
His close contender Bhabiswor Parajuli of the CPN (Maoist Centre) received 30,523 votes.
Likewise, NC candidate Devendra Raj Kandel registered his win in the House of Representatives from Nawalparasi (Bardaghat Susta) West Constituency -2.
Kandel secured 34,130 votes to win the election. His arch-rival, Ghanashyam Yadav, of the CPN (Maoist Centre) got 23,898 votes.
Meanwhile, CPN-UML candidate Tilak Mahat obtained 39,053 votes to secure his victory in the House of Representatives from Nawalpur Constituency-2. His close contender Bishnu Karki of the Nepali Congress received 37,720 votes.