Maoist headquarters meeting reviews party’s performance in local levels

arjun प्रदेश , ७ वर्ष अगाडि

Kathmandu, July 11: Drawing preliminary conclusions on the results of the local level polls, the headquarters meeting of the ruling CPN (Maoist Centre) has concluded that the party could not do well as expected both due to internal and external reasons.
A meeting of the party headquarters held at the residence of party chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ reviewed the local level elections and country’s recent political development.
The meeting concluded that the party could not win more seats as ground level leaders and cadres could not compete in the polls due to profligacy in election, ineffective publicity campaign and selection of the candidates, poor mobilization and party’s failure in publicity of the Prachanda-led government’s best deeds.
The party has decided that effective mobilization of the party organization in the Province No. 2 election scheduled for September 18.
Party spokesperson Pampha Bhusal said that detailed review of the elections would be held in the secretariat’s extended meeting to begin from July 17.
However, Bhusal claimed that Maoist agendas emerged victorious though party could not win more seats.
The Maoist Centre has summoned its extended meeting on July 17 where the members of the party’s central office and district in-charges would participate to discuss the party’s performance in the local level polls held in the six provinces. RSS