EC unveils result of PR system in State Assemblies

arjun प्रदेश , ७ वर्ष अगाडि

Kathmandu, Dec 22 (RSS): The Election Commission (EC) on Friday announced the total seats obtained by the political parties under the proportional representation (PR) electoral system in all seven provinces from the polls held on November 26 and December 7.
Organizing a press meet, Secretary at the EC and Election Officer of PR election System Begendra Raj Sharma unveiled the result of all 220 seats based on the political parties’ votes.
As per the results, CPN (UML) has got 15 seats in Province No. 1; 7 in Province No. 2; 16 in Province No. 3; 10 in Province No. 4 and 13 in Province No. 6 while the party got 6 in Province No. 6 and 8 in Province No. 7.
Likewise, Nepali Congress has got 13 seats in province No. 1; 11 in Province No. 2; 14 in Province No. 3, 9 in Province No. 4; 12 in Province No. 5; 5 in Province No. 6 and 8 in Province No. 7, Poudel said.
The CPN (Maoist Centre) obtained 5 seats in Province No. 1; 5 seats in Province No. 2 and eight seats in Province No. 3 while 3 lawmakers in Province No.4; six in Province No. 5 and four each in Province No.6 and Province No. 7.
The Federal Socialist Forum Nepal has got 2 seats in Province No. 1; 9 in Province No. 2 and 2 in Province No. 5.
The Rastriya Janata Party Nepal has obtained 10 in Province No. 2 and one each in Province No. 5 and Province No. 6.
According to the EC, Rastriya Prajatantra Party has got one seat each in Province No. 1; Province No. 3 and Province No. 6. Likewise, Bibeksheel Sajha Party has secured three seats in Province No. 3 while Rastriya Janamorcha has got one each in Province No. 4 and Province No. 5.
Single seat for five fringe parties
The Naya Shakti Party has got one seat in Province-4 and Sanghiya Democratic National Forum in Province no.1. Similarly, Nepal Federal Socialist Party has got one seat in Province-2 and Nepal Peasants and Workers Party acquired one seat in Province-3.
Likewise, Rastriya Prajatantra Party (Democratic) got one seat in Province-3.
The state assemblies’ elections were held for 37 seats in Province-1, and 43 in Province-2, and 44 in Province-3, and 24 in Province-4, and 35 in Province-5, and 16 in povince-6 and 21 in province-7. Total seats under the proportional representation were 220 in state assemblies.
13 parties in state assemblies
According to Election Commission, the CPN (UML) has got 75 seats, NC got 72 seats, CPN (Maoist Centre) got 35, Forum Nepal got 13 seats and RJP got 12 seats.
Similarly, RPP and Bibeksheel have got each three seats. The Janamorcha has got two seats while Federal Democratic National Forum, Federal Socialist Party, Nepal, NWPP and RPP (D) have one each. Earlier today, a meeting chaired by the EC Chief Election Commissioner Dr Ayodhee Prasad Yadav had decided to make the result public.